My dad just dropped a couch on his face, so we've got our holiday story for the year.
Really appreciate Songza offering me the playlist "Cry Yourself To Sleep." Maybe another time?
Massaging kale has to be the most white person activity of all time.
I just ate a salad. I still don't get it.
Each day, I eat a
couscous-flecked lunch at NPR because I'm too lazy to walk two blocks
for fried chicken. The irony tastes like vegetables.
Accidentally told grocery
employee helping me load car 'I have a kind of small trunk & there's
a lot of junk in it.' We avoided eye contact.
I had orange juice &
cookies & Goldfish for dinner & now I'm going to bed at 9:30 on a
Saturday, because sometimes I'm 8 & sometimes I'm 80.
(412): It's truly amazing how much porn I can get in while my phones at 1% battery life.
(585): I am truly sorry that
you have to put your dog down. He was a great dog, and a great friend. I
am still not showing you my tits.
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